Our Story

Azar Fartak Soorin has been worked for about 3 years as an industrial factory in oil and gas industry before registration on November 2016. Now, after reforming his functions, creating technology has been chosen as his main mission. This enterprise aims to presents new local and global technological services in the field of innovation, localization and improvement of active equipment of industries specifically Oil & Gas as well as other industries.

To Create Technology


To play Economic, social and cultural roles by knowledge and experience centered on creativity in a space full of perseverance and self-esteem

We believe that with the optimal use of facilities, along with a team of creative and minded people with complementary expertise, we can achieve a point of ability that will not only be able to offer products of a much better quality than that Americans or Europeans, but also we would be able to promote their technology to create more consistent products with our native working conditions.
It's almost 2 years from the day we were committed to move towards the same goal. During this time, having gained a deeper understanding of the disparities in the country's industries, and especially the oil industry, we found that despite the rivals of magnitude in this area, there are still many holes in this industry that can be restored by our knowledge and expertise.

We are distinguished by our competitors

  • By quality of our products and services, which has been achieved in the light of the standards that we have always tried to comply with all the requirements, from pre-production to delivery and after delivery
  • By price of our products and services, which has been minimized in the light of familiarity with the processes of production, the elimination of intermediaries and redundant processes and the identification of cheap, yet quality, resources.
Our services and products are available to companies that are always the quality of their priority. We know the value of time and in production process and delivery of services, we rely on the trust of those who have submitted us the responsibility of optimization of speed, quality and price.

We are neither hired nor employed. We are a team, honest, comrade and at the same time serious and hard-working who believes
Together Everyone Achieves More
The diversity of expertise in a team is undoubtedly the base of a team to succeed, so we will warmly welcome the friends who can be our ally by adding their expertise to our team to make a bigger power.

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